
2020 Sponsorship Opportunities

Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Cardiology
28th Annual Meeting – Wednesday May 27th 2020
The Waterview, 215 Roosevelt Drive, Monroe, CT
Sponsorship opportunities

The Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Cardiology has a long history of successful Annual meetings that draw over 100 participants, including Cardiologists in practice, members of academic teaching faculty, Internal Medicine residents, Cardiology Fellows in Training, Physician Associates and members of the nursing profession. The pace and physical structure of the meeting encourages interaction between sponsors and attendees for 2 to 3 hours during the course of the afternoon session. Generous corporate sponsorship has graciously and gratefully allowed us to conduct a first class meeting and remain a strong resource for our medical and patient communities. We invite you to join us this year as a valued supporter of the mission of the CCACC. Available opportunities for meeting support are detailed below:

Use our secure online sponsor registration form or print the sponsor registration form and mail it to us.

Sponsor Online  SPONSOR BY MAIL