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Oral Presentations

AlamMashiulBridgeportORMDDeterminant of pre-hospital delay after myocardial infarction in bangladesh: a rural center experience
DeanMatthewUCONNORBSImpact of pre-transplant implantable cardioverter-defibrillator status on long-term survival in heart transplant patients
NatovPeterYaleORMDImprovement in renal function when treating acute decompensated heart failure
ChirurupatiNagasudhaUCONNCVMDLeft atrial myxoma masquerading as an ischemic infarct
DahalSovitGriffinCVMDA rare case of covid 19 myocarditis with acute coronary syndrome

Poster Presentations

HasanUmarGreenichCVDOSpontaneous pneumopericardium in a patient with metastatic breast cancer
BlazekOliviaHHCVMDStress-induced cardiomyopathy following covid 19 vaccination
MoallemNialaUCONNCVMDSAIDH – syndrome of amiodarone-induced hyponatremia
PenmetsaMounaUCONNCVMDMaking the common, uncommon: right ventricular intracavitary metastasis of non-small cell lung cancer
OnuohaKingsleyBridgeportCVMDAtypical presentation of cardiac fabry’s disease
QuienMaryBridgeportCVMDA case report of complex congenital heart disease: gerbode defect with a bicuspid valve and coarctation of the aorta
RomoJohannaUCONNCVMBBSA rodential reckoning: streptobacillus moniliformis endocarditis of the native mitral valve after a rat bite
KolupotiAbhignaUCONNCVMBBSPseudomyocardialinfarction in diabetic ketoacidosis
MolinaGuarinaDanburyCVMDCOVID Vaccine-induced myocarditis with complete recovery
OommenChristiUCONNCVDOA vicious cycle: brash syndrome
PinkhasovaPolinaDanburyCVDOMI late? A case of ventricular septal and contained free wall rupture
RamchandaniBhanviUCONNCVMBBSA rare case of corynebacterium striatum endocarditis in a patient with native rheumatic mitral stenosis
BaeJu YoungGreenwichCVMDPulmonary vein stenosis – a rare complication of radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation
ChitsazanMandanaNorwalkCVMDResolution of multivessel intracoronary thrombosis with glycoprotein Iib/IIIa inhibition in a cocaine abuser
EstepZacharyStamfordCVDOChest pain as the presenting symptom of biopsy-proven lymphocytic myocarditis
KhawajaUnezaDanburyCVMDAcute coronary syndrome in setting of an anomalous left coronary artery and takotsubo cardiomyopahty: a rare presentation
ChangJasonDanburyCVMDA case of recurrent myopericarditis secondary to covid-19 vaccination
ReddiVuhaDanburyCVMDA day of fighting fate: biventricular failure with left ventricular thrombus on intra-aortic balloon pump complicated by embolization
BhandariSambhawanaDanburyCVMDTwisting of the points: A hemodynamically unstable ventricular scare