Cardio Oncology Seminar, CT Chapter, ACC 2022
Watch the seminar On-Demand
11-9-2022 Wednesday 5:15 to 7:00 pm
Check out the new list of topics and changes to the speaker information
Irma Fotjadhi, MD, FACC, Bridgeport Hospital, Yale School of Medicine
David H. Hsi, MD, FACC, Stamford Hospital, CT, CUMC
Keynote Speaker:
Lauren Baldassarre, MD, FACC, Director of Cardio-Oncology
Yale School of Medicine
Moving towards a multimodality imaging approach in cardio-oncology –15 minutes
Short Lectures or Case Discussions – 10 minutes each:
Eric Joseph Oligino, MD, FACC
Director of Cardio-Oncology, Hartford HealthCare
Anti-HER2 therapy: Safety of Stopping
Sarah Hull, MD, FACC
Associate Director, Program for Biomedical Ethics
Yale School of Medicine
Shared Decision Making in Cardio-Oncology
Mina Owlia, MD, FACC
Director of Cardio-Oncology, Stamford Hospital
Assessing cardiac risk in patient with Multiple Myeloma
Joseph Gnanaraj, MD, FACC
Director of Cardio-Oncology, Waterbury Hospital, CT
Cardiovascular side effects of Bruton Tyrosine kinase inhibitors, a case-based discussion
Neil Fischbach, MD, Oncology
Asst Medical Director to the Clinical Trials Office for the Network
Yale School of Medicine
Advances that Warm the Heart: Critical Developments in Breast Cancer Therapy
Panel Discussions and Audience Questions – 25 minutes
All speakers and Dr. Anna Koulova, Director of Cardiac MRI program, Stamford Hospital, CT
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